We are a professional group of EduCare (education + childcare) providers deeply inspired by Jean Piaget (1896-1980), a Swiss Psychologist, postmodern thinker and leading authority in Child Psychology. Great effort is put forth in aligning Dr. Piaget’s pedagogy, honoring the child’s sensorimotor (sociological model) and pre-operational (biological model) phases of development. Other influences in our curriculum include pedagogies from Magda Gerber (American, 1910-2007), Maria Montessori (Italian, 1870-1952) and The Reggio-Emilia Approach by Loris Malaguzzi (Italian, 1920-1994), among other world-renowned child development authorities.
We are committed towards quality education from a multiple-intellectual awareness and sense of self through developing artistic expression. We have a profound love-interest in multi-cultural child development art literacy. We practice art literature through authentic non-stereo-typical self-reflection, community-responsiveness, and personal history as core elements. We believe if children are authentically engaged through their own interests, children thrive.
At Piaget School of Maui our sustained reading curriculum is expertly focused on pre-reading for the youngest students in our care.
Sustained Reading consists of at least 20-30 minutes of uninterrupted reading and allows young toddlers to observe and absorb the structure and sound of language. Young children exposed to consistent reading gain verbal and auditory skills far beyond their age group peers.
Our Sustained Reading program also establishes in the child the deep subconscious connection to written and spoken language.
Early learning through pre-reading involves exposure to tone, voice and cadence and is the most incredible gift a young child can receive — and we are honored to share this fundamental concept with our youngest growing minds.
Sustained Reading consists of at least 20-30 minutes of uninterrupted reading and allows young toddlers to observe and absorb the structure and sound of language. Young children exposed to consistent reading gain verbal and auditory skills far beyond their age group peers.
Our Sustained Reading program also establishes in the child the deep subconscious connection to written and spoken language.
Early learning through pre-reading involves exposure to tone, voice and cadence and is the most incredible gift a young child can receive — and we are honored to share this fundamental concept with our youngest growing minds.