Program Handbook • 2024
Piaget School of Maui
Mission Statement
We strive to provide the very best support in establishing your child’s educational foundation through discovery, curiosity and imagination.
Vision Statement
We are inspired by Jean Piaget (1896-1980),
a Swiss Psychologist, postmodern thinker and leading authority in Child Psychology.
Great effort is put forth in aligning Dr. Piaget’s pedagogy honoring the child’s sensorimotor (sociological model) and pre-operational (biological model) phases of development.
We are committed towards quality education from a multiple-intellectual awareness and sense of self through developing artistic expression. We have a profound love-interest in multi-cultural child development art literacy. We practice art literature through authentic non-stereo-typical self-reflection, community-responsiveness and personal history as core elements. We believe if children are authentically engaged through their own interests, children thrive... this is our vision.
Piaget School of Maui (PSM) is a State of Hawai’i - Department of Human Services (DHS) registered facility for children ages 12-36 months [before she/he becomes eligible to attend Kindergarten] upon enrollment. Our adult:child ratio is 1:6 and 1:4 (tentatively) starting 10/1/24.
We abide by licensing regulations concerning confidentiality of information regarding students, families and staff. We expect that families and visitors to our program will adhere to this policy to safeguard the well being of children in our program.
PSM admits students of any race, color, religion, disability and national or ethnic origin and accords to them all of the privileges, programs and activities made available at the center. We enroll children of ages 12-36 months. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, disability, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation in administration or its educational policies, admission policies, financial aid and other school administered programs.
Liability Insurance
PSM has liability insurance through our agent, Mutual Underwriters.
Transportation Policies
PSM does not provide transportation to and/or from school, with the exception of use of staff vehicle(s) for class educational excursions with written parental permission.
Hours of Operation
PSM is open from 7:45AM-2P on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. PSM is open from 7:45AM-1:00P on Wednesdays.
Children may be picked up earlier than their scheduled time if you have other activities or appointments planned. Please let us know if your child’s drop-off/pick-up times or drop-off/pick-up person(s) changes. Please contact the Principal before 7:00A of the day your schedule is different via email to inform PSM if your child will be absent or has any changes to their regular schedule.
Our email address is: [email protected]
Arrivals & Departures
It is important to our group’s routine that you arrive between 7:45A and 7:59A for drop-off and arrive between 1:45P and 1:59P for pick-up; Pick-up on Wednesdays is between 12:45P and 12:59P.
Drop-In Care
$20/hour (per child)
Pick-Up/Drop-Off Protocol
Please street park or park in reserved stall #100 (if available) and walk with your child to our front-door for student drop-off. Please street park or park in reserved stall #100 (if available) and pick-up your little one using our back-door.
For the safety of your child, you must either carry your child or hold your child’s hand in the parking lot and throughout the entire property until you are ready to hand-over-hand your child to her/his EduCarer.
PSM follows the Hawai’i State Department of Education (DOE) school-calendar involving scheduled holidays and breaks. PSM’s school-calendar-year is September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025 (12-month minimum) upon enrollment. Summer Break is June 19, 2025 through June 28, 2025 and May 29, 2026 through June 19, 2025. All other seasonal breaks (Winter, Fall and Spring) along with all other school days closed will mirror State of Hawai’i - Department of Education’s official school-calendar.
Please ask us for an official Hawai’i State DOE school-year-calendar with PSM amendments for school-days off and seasonal break schedules, if needed. Prompt reminders of school-days closed will also be given throughout the school-calendar-year.
PSM is open to all families on a space-available + best fit basis. Children must be within ages 12-36 months by their first day of enrollment. PSM reserves the right to withdraw a child at any time we feel they are excessively harmful to peers, staff, environment and/or self. We reserve the right to withdraw a child/family if they are not abiding by the rules and regulations of PSM. In the event of a withdrawal, whether it is the decision of the family or PSM, a tuition refund will not be given and parent will still be financially responsible for the contracted amount of tuition monies due.
Admissions Process
Step 1: You may request an intake form/request to tour facility.
Upon our receipt of your completed intake form, we will send to you an invoice towards the initial administrative/application fee of $125.00 + tax.
Step 2: Remit payment for applicable fee.
Upon payment of applicable fee(s),we will then schedule a day/time for you to tour our facility.
Step 3: Establish appointment to tour facility.
If our program interests you further, a proposed enrollment contract will be e-mailed to you.
Step 4: Complete Enrollment Contract.
After we receive your completed and signed enrollment contract we will contact you to discuss specific enrollment options.
Step 5: Remit payment towards tuition and all applicable fees.
All payments toward your initial administrative/application fee, registration fee, tuition and/or others payments are non-refundable. A $500.00 non-refundable and non-transferable deposit/holding fee is required to secure an EduCare (education + childcare) space. Enrollment (your child’s space) must be confirmed by the Principal in writing.
You may receive copies of your enrollment contract along with your health clearance forms, upon your request. These health
forms are as follows: 1) State of Hawai’i Department of Health Form 14 health record (physical exam and TB clearance must be completed within 12 months prior to entry and current immunization records). Medical and religious exemptions are allowed by state law for immunizations only. You must present a medical exemption form signed by the child’s physician. Your child must have a current TB clearance to enter school for children 12 months and older. We may accept a notarized exemption statement on official letterhead from your religious organization,
2) Preschool Emergency Information Card; PSM requires copies of court documents affecting your child (e.g. legal guardianship, custody, TRO). If your child has an IEP (Individual Educational Plan) we require a meeting with your child’s IEP team or lead consultant prior to enrollment so that we may determine if we are best suited to meet your child’s needs.
The following documents must be received within 3 calendar days from the day we offer enrollment and before your child begins her/his first day of school, (unless arranged otherwise in-writing),
1) completed enrollment contract with parent signatures,
2) required medical/legal school documents,
3) tuition/fee(s) payment in full &
4) C19 vaccine records/C19 clearances for all household persons.
We reserve the right to withdraw our offer of enrollment if this deadline is not met.
Tuition and Fees
PSM operates as a tuition-based program. It is essential that all families are on time with tuition payments. Regretfully, we reserve the right to terminate enrollment when payments have not been made on time for two consecutive or non-consecutive months/payments. Tuition for all months within contract term, is due regardless of termination. Terminating enrollment is not in your child’s best interest so we ask for your cooperation. Should circumstances arise that affect your ability to pay tuition, please see the Principal immediately as we may be able to connect you with community resources to assist you. If you withdraw your child, you must give a minimum full calendar month (30+ days) notice-to-quit; Tuition is due in full for the total months of your child’s initially contracted enrollment period. Your credit card on file may be charged for the remaining months of your contract term upon notice of termination.
If a family chooses to terminate the enrollment contract prior to the contract end date, families will still be responsible for the remaining contract months.
Near the end of your annual contract term, you must confirm in-writing at least 90 days before your last contracted school-day advising us of your interest in enrollment continuation. Continued enrollment after your contract term is not guaranteed.
Please inquire to the Principal for further clarity if needed.
Late Payment & Late Pick-Up Fees
There is a $100 daily fee for delinquent/late tuition payments and an additional $100 processing fee for checks returned with insufficient funds. Only cash payments will be accepted after a late payment and/or after a check is returned.
There is a $50.00 daily charge for late pickups 1-9 minutes. Late pickups 10-15 minutes will be charged $100.00 daily. Late pickups 16-30 minutes will be charged $200.00 daily. Late pickups 31+ minutes will be charged $300.00.
The credit card on file authorized for incidental late pick-ups will be charged on the same day with an additional 5% processing fee.
Tuition is $24,300.00 per year ($2,025.00/month) for children aged 12-36 months. An invoice with your monthly tuition due will be emailed to you at least 3 days prior to your due date. We accept personal bank checks or cash payments. An additional 5% processing fee will be added to your invoice if you opt to pay directly on-line. Please let us know if you will be planning to pay your tuition/fees by credit card or bank transfer on-line one week prior to your tuition’s due date.
Note: HI-State Tax 4.712% will be added to your invoice, along with a $75.00 service fee per transaction for monthly installment tuition payments and any late and/or incidental fee charges. (Personal bank check payments do not include Hawai’i State Tax of 4.712%.)
Tuition is due by the 20TH of each enrollment month towards the following enrollment month. For example, tuition for February would be due no later than January 20TH. Aforementioned late fees will be applied if your payment is not made within this period of time.
Checks must be made payable to:
Financial Aid
Maui provides federal, state and county funded programs that offer financial assistance for qualified families and their children attending PSM.
Excursions & In-School Presentations
A release form will go home at the beginning of the calendar-school-year outlining any excursions scheduled throughout the year. Specific information about in-school presentations or excursions will be given to parents at least 5 days in advance. Parents have the option of keeping their child out of school on that particular day if they prefer not to have their child participate in these activities. Due to our world-wide short-staffing issues, excursions for school-year 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 have been cancelled.
Family Involvement
We believe that the best support for a child as he/she grows is a strong partnership between families and the school. We also look forward to families sharing their knowledge, experiences, talents and skills. We invite parents to share a skill or teach a lesson at circle time. The staff and Principal will decide if the lesson that the parent has proposed will be appropriate for the children.
PSM requires that parents of our enrolled children complete six (6) hours per family of volunteer work hours per school-calendar-year. These volunteer hours include activities such as assistance with program scholarship fundraising, assisting and supervising excursions, etc. Additional information will be given on these parent volunteer hours throughout the school-calendar-year. Parents have the option to choose which particular volunteer activity they wish.
Health Agreements/Emergency Policies & Administering Rx
We will administer medication to your child providing: 1) you have completed and signed the medication permission form, 2) the medication has been prescribed by your child’s physician and 3) the medication is in its original container, and includes the proper dispensing tool. NO over-the-counter medications will be administered without a doctor’s prescription. We are not allowed to administer cough or cold medication.
We will call you to pick up your child if your child has a fever over 100F, diarrhea, vomiting, has an unknown rash, unusual discharge from the nose, ears or eyes, a persistent cough or any other health conditions that may be a concern.
A written clearance from your child’s physician is required before returning to school for chicken pox, measles, mumps, hepatitis, flu, ringworm, pink eye (conjunctivitis), hand, foot and mouth disease, strep throat, whooping cough, pinworms, impetigo, and/or suspected symptoms related to C19.
If your child has a medical or religious exemption for immunizations, we will ask you to keep your child home for your child’s protection if there is a possibility the disease is present in our school.
These policies protect all individuals especially PSM children/staff in our care. Please contact the school right away if your child is exposed to any of the above-mentioned medical issues. We ask that you keep your child home from school and obtain a release note from your child’s physician before bringing your child back to school.
Note: If your child had an ear infection and has recovered, you may return to school as long as your child did not experience any fever-like symptoms for 24 hours without fever reducing medicine.
The State of Hawaii Department of Health Immunization Branch has a procedure existing in the Maui community for the provision of health consultation service; Arrangements have been made with public nurse, Marisol Abod for use of this service. She may be reached at 808-984-8260 or 1-800-933-4832. (Updated 9/3/24.)
Ukus (head lice) and Pinworms
If your child is found to have live ukus or nits (eggs) or suspected pinworms, we will call you to pick up your child right away and provide you with information on treatment. Your child may return to school after treatment is completed and after PSM receives written clearance from your child’s medical expert.
Our staff persons are trained in first-responder First Aid and Infant-Child-Adult CPR only. For any serious or life-threatening medical emergency, we will first call 911 and then make every effort to contact you. Your child may be transported to Maui Memorial Medical Hospital by ambulance if necessary. A staff person will accompany your child if our staffing ratios permit. Parents will receive a written report for accidents/injuries requiring first aid. Parents will be contacted if we feel the situation is serious and requires your immediate attention.
We are obligated by law to report any concerns we observe involving abuse and neglect to Child Protective Service. We do not allow alcohol or drugs on our campus; Smoking in and around the building is banned by law.
We will have one fire drill per month. If you are on campus during a drill, you are required to participate. This also encourages your child to follow the rules for safety and teaches your child that parents are also are aware of the protocols during an emergency. If we are required to evacuate the facility during school hours and time is available, we will call parents to pick up children if safety is not compromised. If children must be moved quickly we will leave information on our entry door to tell you where we are, how to contact us and who is with us. We will make every effort to contact you by phone when we are in a safe location. Please be sure that we have accurate and current phone contact information.
School Closure Notification
In the event the school must close unexpectedly during operating hours or we cannot open due to dangerous conditions or any other reason, we will make every effort to contact families. Please make sure your phone contact information is always up-to-date. PSM will close if an emergency occurs.
Meals & Snacks
We are a 100% peanut and tree nut FREE facility. Any foods that do not meet these health and safety standards will be disposed immediately. Thank you for honoring these food requirements as some of our students face severe life-threatening allergens. Please inform the school in writing if your child has any food allergies. Please provide alternative meals and snacks.
PSM provides a healthy, (organic, when available), toddler-friendly breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack; Cost for toddler-chef service by PSM is included with tuition. PSM offers purified filtered drinking water throughout your child’s school-day.
What To Bring For Your Toddler
Toddlers: We love one-sies! (The snaps are great for efficient diaper changes.) Please bring supplies enough for at least one week. Supplies needed are 1) diapers, 2) wipes and 3) play outfits (including underwear, if not in diapers) 4) a small backpack your child can manage on her/his own and 5) one pair of play shoes (or slippers) to be kept in your child’s basket cubbie.
Please label with a dark marker pen (or personalized stickers) all of your child’s belongings with their three letter initials.
Human Milk Storage
PSM follows CDC’s guidelines to storing human milk.
All milk (with the exception of frozen packets) will be sent home daily and all milk, including frozen milk packets will be sent home on Fridays. Please label each bottle/packet with your child’s three letter initials and date.
What Stays At Home
Items that need to be kept at home for example are your child’s own personal toys, money, candy/gum, soda, sweets, cough drops, over-the-counter medications and vitamins (potentially harmful to children who may think they are candy).
A favorite rattle, blanket and/or pacifier for your child’s comfort is welcomed.
What To Wear To School
Toddlers: Loose-fitting and comfortable clothes that they can easily take off or put on by themselves with encouragement is recommended. Slippers (flip-flops) that can be put on quickly if leaving the premises due to emergencies and fire drills is necessary. (High-heeled shoes, sandals and cowboy-type boots stay at home.) Please do not send your child to school in shoes that they cannot (somewhat) manipulate independently.
Plastic-Free Facility ♻️
As much as possible, PSM is a plastic free facility. Please bring a small laundry bag for us to send home your child’s soiled clothing. Intermittently, reusable grocery bags, paper-bags and/or compostable bags will be used to send your child’s belongings home. Please return any reusable bags to the preschool center the next day. Paper-bags and compostable bags do not need to be returned if you are able to find another use/job for them.
Parent-Principal Conferences
Parent-Principal conferences are offered twice a year. These allow the staff to provide you with feedback involving your child’s experiences and developmental growth in the center. These conferences are not mandatory.
If we observe that your child would benefit from formal screening and/or an assessment through programs that provide behavioral, physical or speech therapy we may suggest seeking expert support in those specific areas. This would also assist us in meeting your child’s individual needs. In some circumstances, services are free or provided on a sliding scale basis. Please refer to the Principal for additional resources.
If you'd like to speak with us, the very best way to reach out to us is via email: [email protected]
You can email us with a question, an appointment request, or request for a phone call if you wish to speak to us directly.
Please refrain from bringing up questions during drop-off/pick-up. This is a difficult time for us to give you the appropriate attention to resolve issues and/or answer questions. We appreciate your concerns and inquiries for clarity about any matter. Please allow a 24-hour-response-time for us to get back to you via email. Clear communication is of high value to us. Kindly use email as your first step to a create a clear communication loop.
We love celebrating our little ones on their big day. You may bring in a sticker, a small sustainable item/toy or a goodie bags to share with all.
We are inspired by the pedagogy of Dr. Piaget (a postmodern thinker and leading authority in Child Psychology) and strongly agree with his methods and practices of cognitive developmental stages. We emphasize freedom within limits and practice independence. Dr. Piaget recognized that children have specific windows of opportunity (stages) in which they develop more naturally. Our PSM staff recognizes this educational value and utilizes these experiences as children explore their curiosity and natural discoveries.
PSM is also mindful of our environment by practicing sustainable acts; Giving back to our local community is also highly valued. We encourage our children and their families to develop good stewardship and respect at an early age.
The center is divided into four main areas:
1) ATRIUM (indoor playground/large motor),
2) ART/LUNCH ROOM (creative artistic expressions)
3) COURTYARD (outdoor play) &
4) CALM ROOM (rest).
Dr. Piaget believed in mixed aged spaces providing the opportunity for children to learn from one other. The younger children look up to their older peers; The older peers practice concept reinforcement as they are given opportunities to teach their younger peers. Research has shown that the finest way to educate during this early stage in development is through observation and then through facilitation.
We recognize that each child matures and learns in her/his own way and at her/his own time. Although children will bring home materials they have created, the most important part of her/his discovery is THE PROCESS and less emphasis on THE PRODUCT. We want children highly intrigued so that she/he desires further inquiry leading to discovering more independently. As often as possible, at PSM a staff person may not complete tasks in every instance the child might verbally or gesturally ask. We may simply reply by saying “You try, you can do it.” When children attempt to complete tasks on their own, soon they will learn the skill(s) they are practicing; When a young child experiences the joy of independence, they build a strong and lasting sense of self. The role of PSM is to create opportunities for these discovery experiences.
Holiday Policy
PSM is a non-denominational school. Therefore, we do not celebrate religious holidays nor do we facilitate spiritual or religious education.
We observe and are closed on all Hawai’i state and national holidays, along with the same seasonal break schedule and teacher work days as outlined in the official Hawai’i DOE school schedule. Here are some of the days our program will be closed:
Labor Day
Statehood Day
Election Day
Veteran’s Day
Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Presidents’ Days
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Prince Kuhio Day
King Kamehameha Day
Juneteenth Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
New Year’s Day
Institute Day
4th of July
Teacher Work Days:
4/21/25 to 4/22/25
7/28/25 to 9/1/25
Seasonal Breaks:
Spring/*Summer/Fall/Winter Break
(Breaks are approximately 2-3 weeks)
*Summer Break 2025 is: 6/16/25-7/4/25
*Summer Break 2026 is: 5/29/26-6/22/26
Bereavement Leave*
In an unexpected, difficult and sorrowful occasion an immediate family member (parent, sibling, spouse or child) of the Principal passes away, PSM will close for up to 10 school calendar days; Immediate notice shall be provided. Updated: 10/1/23*
Policy for Media Exposure
A consent form will be included in the enrollment packet that allows your child to be included in photos, videos, and/or web media for PSM. You are not required to sign this release form. PSM certainly respects your privacy in the event you wish not to be included.
Fed I.D. and State I.D.
These are the identification numbers for the program to use for tax purposes. Please keep your monthly receipts to verify your child’s enrollment in our preschool. In accordance with our confidentiality agreements, we will not release any financial information to outside parties. Please inform your tax return preparers that parents must personally request a release of information for tax and legal purposes.
(Routines are flexible and are based on the needs and interests of each child/group.)
7:45-7:59- Arrivals
8:00-8:29- Independent Reading
8:30-8:59- Circle Time
9:00-9:44- Indoor Recess
9:45-10:44- Rest
10:45-11:14- Diaper Change/Restroom Break
11:15-11:44- Sensory Play
11:45-12:14- Meals by Piaget
12:15-1:14- Free Choice Peer Play
1:15-1:29- Diaper Change/Restroom Break
1:30-1:44- Outdoor Recess
1:45-1:59- Departures
Wednesdays is EARLY DISMISSAL day.
Pick-up is between 12:45-12:59P on Wednesdays.
Separation Anxieties
We understand that most infants & toddlers will experience some separation anxieties in a new environment. In our experience, this could last a few days to a few weeks or months. As Child Development professionals,
we expect and understand that it will take some time for a child to adapt to a new setting. The consistency of our educational strategy is what helps the child transition successfully.
Piaget School of Maui shall assist the student in making a transition from our program to her/his new setting by communicating what to expect at the student’s level of awareness and/or understanding upon graduation and/or transition to a new facility. PSM shall cooperate with families, and/or new providers when information is requested (in writing) to assist in adjusting to a new learning environment.
PSM’s Approach to Misbehavior
PSM enforces positive behavior and recognizes students and actions that promote growth and learning; We encourage respectful behavior. If a child misbehaves by acting out using inappropriate language, harming others or to themselves, in this specific case, PSM would facilitate positive ABA (applied behavioral approaches) and would inform parents via phone call or email immediately. We take in account what is in the child’s best interest, the safety of her/his peers and our school community as top priorities. We will conduct observations and team meetings to support our goal towards rapid resolution.
We do not report incidents/behaviors that are commonly considered developmentally age-appropriate, unless the parent requests (in-writing) for a very particular type of incident/behavior to be documented/recorded and shared with parent confidentially --
while protecting the privacy of their child’s peers and families.
PSM has the right to send a child home for the day if they are disrupting others. PSM will only do so if the safety of the children/staff is questioned and/or compromised.
Due Process and Expulsion
If PSM feels that it is in the best interest of the school, staff, and children that a student be removed from school then PSM has the right to expel a child.
If at any time, parental views and PSM’s philosophies are not compatible, PSM reserves the right to immediately terminate the contract at the sole discretion of the acting Principal/Owner.
If for any reason, parent/s decide to withdraw their child from the program, PSM reserves the right to charge the credit card on file.
The remaining tuition due (up to the full duration of their contract term) shall be charged as noted-above upon notice of withdrawal.
Rules and Policies
PSM does not allow disrespectful behavior. If a child is causing harm to themselves or others, parents will be notified and the Principal will handle the situation on a case-by-case basis. PSM will take the necessary action to resolve issues that may arise.
Safe Sleep & Reporting Requirement Policies
In providing a safe sleep environment for children less than one year of age, EJB EDUCATIONAL SERVICES (dba) Piaget School of Maui (PSM) has created the following policies regarding safe sleep practices for children less than one year of age and reporting requirements:
Sleep Position:
(A) Children are placed on their backs to sleep or in accordance with written instructions on file at PSM from a healthcare physician for alternative sleep positions (and)
(B) A child who falls asleep in a location or equipment other than a crib or playpen, child is moved to a crib or playpen for the balance of the nap.
Sleep Environment:
(C) PSM uses NUNA (Model: SENA) playpen-cribs. These playpen-cribs have not been recalled by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
(D) Soft bedding and all other objects are not placed in playpen-cribs, as previously-mentioned playpen-crib type.
(E) A clean and tightly fitted sheet is used to cover the playpen-cribs for children less than one year.
(F) Sleeping areas are kept ventilated and at safe temperatures.
(G) Bed-sharing is strictly prohibited.
(H) PSM does not use recall items for children whatsoever and with no exceptions.
(I) Sleeping children are monitored and checked every ten (10) minutes or less.
(J) All staff of PSM shall review this written (and on-line viewing option) operation policy regarding safe sleep.
(K) All staff of PSM shall complete training in safe sleep practices that is approved by the DHS (Department of Human Services) upon hire and annually.
(L) PSM maintains a record of policy reviews and trainings by all staff.
Program Materials and Equipment:
(M) Materials and equipment are safe and kept clean and in good repair; Materials/equipment are not recalled, are stored in an orderly manner. Materials/equipment are arranged to allow children to select, remove and replace materials/equipment either independently or with assistance as age and developmentally appropriate.
Safe Sleep and Reporting Requirement Policy:
In providing a safe sleep environment for children one year and older, PSM has created the following policy regarding safe sleep practices for children one year and older and reporting requirements:
Sleeping Environment:
PSM makes the following sleeping equipment available:
(1) Identification of playpen, crib, mat or rug for each child who rests, (and)
(2) A clean sheet or cover shall be used on the specific playpen, crib, mat or rug for each child, specifically assigned to each individual child.
PSM will report to the DHS within 24 hours of occurrence the death of a child, staff and/or any illness or injury received at PSM that results in a child’s hospitalization, including emergency room admittance.
If you have any concerns/questions regarding our program or this handbook, please see the Principal right away so we may respond in a timely manner.
Updated: August 27, 2024
Piaget School of Maui’s
Program Handbook
is subject to updates/changes anytime.
Please review often.
Piaget School of Maui
Mission Statement
We strive to provide the very best support in establishing your child’s educational foundation through discovery, curiosity and imagination.
Vision Statement
We are inspired by Jean Piaget (1896-1980),
a Swiss Psychologist, postmodern thinker and leading authority in Child Psychology.
Great effort is put forth in aligning Dr. Piaget’s pedagogy honoring the child’s sensorimotor (sociological model) and pre-operational (biological model) phases of development.
We are committed towards quality education from a multiple-intellectual awareness and sense of self through developing artistic expression. We have a profound love-interest in multi-cultural child development art literacy. We practice art literature through authentic non-stereo-typical self-reflection, community-responsiveness and personal history as core elements. We believe if children are authentically engaged through their own interests, children thrive... this is our vision.
Piaget School of Maui (PSM) is a State of Hawai’i - Department of Human Services (DHS) registered facility for children ages 12-36 months [before she/he becomes eligible to attend Kindergarten] upon enrollment. Our adult:child ratio is 1:6 and 1:4 (tentatively) starting 10/1/24.
We abide by licensing regulations concerning confidentiality of information regarding students, families and staff. We expect that families and visitors to our program will adhere to this policy to safeguard the well being of children in our program.
PSM admits students of any race, color, religion, disability and national or ethnic origin and accords to them all of the privileges, programs and activities made available at the center. We enroll children of ages 12-36 months. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, disability, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation in administration or its educational policies, admission policies, financial aid and other school administered programs.
Liability Insurance
PSM has liability insurance through our agent, Mutual Underwriters.
Transportation Policies
PSM does not provide transportation to and/or from school, with the exception of use of staff vehicle(s) for class educational excursions with written parental permission.
Hours of Operation
PSM is open from 7:45AM-2P on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. PSM is open from 7:45AM-1:00P on Wednesdays.
Children may be picked up earlier than their scheduled time if you have other activities or appointments planned. Please let us know if your child’s drop-off/pick-up times or drop-off/pick-up person(s) changes. Please contact the Principal before 7:00A of the day your schedule is different via email to inform PSM if your child will be absent or has any changes to their regular schedule.
Our email address is: [email protected]
Arrivals & Departures
It is important to our group’s routine that you arrive between 7:45A and 7:59A for drop-off and arrive between 1:45P and 1:59P for pick-up; Pick-up on Wednesdays is between 12:45P and 12:59P.
Drop-In Care
$20/hour (per child)
- 2 hour minimum
- Last pick up: 4P
- Available to enrolled students only*
- Must provide notice + pay 7 days BEFORE services are rendered via Venmo/cash
- Closed on same days as PSM
- Billed for actual hours (only) provided
- Snack provided by parent
- Drinking H2o available to child throughout day and provided by PSM
- Diapers, baby wipes provided by parent
- Activity: free play (indoor and/or outdoor)
Pick-Up/Drop-Off Protocol
Please street park or park in reserved stall #100 (if available) and walk with your child to our front-door for student drop-off. Please street park or park in reserved stall #100 (if available) and pick-up your little one using our back-door.
For the safety of your child, you must either carry your child or hold your child’s hand in the parking lot and throughout the entire property until you are ready to hand-over-hand your child to her/his EduCarer.
PSM follows the Hawai’i State Department of Education (DOE) school-calendar involving scheduled holidays and breaks. PSM’s school-calendar-year is September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025 (12-month minimum) upon enrollment. Summer Break is June 19, 2025 through June 28, 2025 and May 29, 2026 through June 19, 2025. All other seasonal breaks (Winter, Fall and Spring) along with all other school days closed will mirror State of Hawai’i - Department of Education’s official school-calendar.
Please ask us for an official Hawai’i State DOE school-year-calendar with PSM amendments for school-days off and seasonal break schedules, if needed. Prompt reminders of school-days closed will also be given throughout the school-calendar-year.
PSM is open to all families on a space-available + best fit basis. Children must be within ages 12-36 months by their first day of enrollment. PSM reserves the right to withdraw a child at any time we feel they are excessively harmful to peers, staff, environment and/or self. We reserve the right to withdraw a child/family if they are not abiding by the rules and regulations of PSM. In the event of a withdrawal, whether it is the decision of the family or PSM, a tuition refund will not be given and parent will still be financially responsible for the contracted amount of tuition monies due.
Admissions Process
Step 1: You may request an intake form/request to tour facility.
Upon our receipt of your completed intake form, we will send to you an invoice towards the initial administrative/application fee of $125.00 + tax.
Step 2: Remit payment for applicable fee.
Upon payment of applicable fee(s),we will then schedule a day/time for you to tour our facility.
Step 3: Establish appointment to tour facility.
If our program interests you further, a proposed enrollment contract will be e-mailed to you.
Step 4: Complete Enrollment Contract.
After we receive your completed and signed enrollment contract we will contact you to discuss specific enrollment options.
Step 5: Remit payment towards tuition and all applicable fees.
All payments toward your initial administrative/application fee, registration fee, tuition and/or others payments are non-refundable. A $500.00 non-refundable and non-transferable deposit/holding fee is required to secure an EduCare (education + childcare) space. Enrollment (your child’s space) must be confirmed by the Principal in writing.
You may receive copies of your enrollment contract along with your health clearance forms, upon your request. These health
forms are as follows: 1) State of Hawai’i Department of Health Form 14 health record (physical exam and TB clearance must be completed within 12 months prior to entry and current immunization records). Medical and religious exemptions are allowed by state law for immunizations only. You must present a medical exemption form signed by the child’s physician. Your child must have a current TB clearance to enter school for children 12 months and older. We may accept a notarized exemption statement on official letterhead from your religious organization,
2) Preschool Emergency Information Card; PSM requires copies of court documents affecting your child (e.g. legal guardianship, custody, TRO). If your child has an IEP (Individual Educational Plan) we require a meeting with your child’s IEP team or lead consultant prior to enrollment so that we may determine if we are best suited to meet your child’s needs.
The following documents must be received within 3 calendar days from the day we offer enrollment and before your child begins her/his first day of school, (unless arranged otherwise in-writing),
1) completed enrollment contract with parent signatures,
2) required medical/legal school documents,
3) tuition/fee(s) payment in full &
4) C19 vaccine records/C19 clearances for all household persons.
We reserve the right to withdraw our offer of enrollment if this deadline is not met.
Tuition and Fees
PSM operates as a tuition-based program. It is essential that all families are on time with tuition payments. Regretfully, we reserve the right to terminate enrollment when payments have not been made on time for two consecutive or non-consecutive months/payments. Tuition for all months within contract term, is due regardless of termination. Terminating enrollment is not in your child’s best interest so we ask for your cooperation. Should circumstances arise that affect your ability to pay tuition, please see the Principal immediately as we may be able to connect you with community resources to assist you. If you withdraw your child, you must give a minimum full calendar month (30+ days) notice-to-quit; Tuition is due in full for the total months of your child’s initially contracted enrollment period. Your credit card on file may be charged for the remaining months of your contract term upon notice of termination.
If a family chooses to terminate the enrollment contract prior to the contract end date, families will still be responsible for the remaining contract months.
Near the end of your annual contract term, you must confirm in-writing at least 90 days before your last contracted school-day advising us of your interest in enrollment continuation. Continued enrollment after your contract term is not guaranteed.
Please inquire to the Principal for further clarity if needed.
Late Payment & Late Pick-Up Fees
There is a $100 daily fee for delinquent/late tuition payments and an additional $100 processing fee for checks returned with insufficient funds. Only cash payments will be accepted after a late payment and/or after a check is returned.
There is a $50.00 daily charge for late pickups 1-9 minutes. Late pickups 10-15 minutes will be charged $100.00 daily. Late pickups 16-30 minutes will be charged $200.00 daily. Late pickups 31+ minutes will be charged $300.00.
The credit card on file authorized for incidental late pick-ups will be charged on the same day with an additional 5% processing fee.
Tuition is $24,300.00 per year ($2,025.00/month) for children aged 12-36 months. An invoice with your monthly tuition due will be emailed to you at least 3 days prior to your due date. We accept personal bank checks or cash payments. An additional 5% processing fee will be added to your invoice if you opt to pay directly on-line. Please let us know if you will be planning to pay your tuition/fees by credit card or bank transfer on-line one week prior to your tuition’s due date.
Note: HI-State Tax 4.712% will be added to your invoice, along with a $75.00 service fee per transaction for monthly installment tuition payments and any late and/or incidental fee charges. (Personal bank check payments do not include Hawai’i State Tax of 4.712%.)
Tuition is due by the 20TH of each enrollment month towards the following enrollment month. For example, tuition for February would be due no later than January 20TH. Aforementioned late fees will be applied if your payment is not made within this period of time.
Checks must be made payable to:
Financial Aid
Maui provides federal, state and county funded programs that offer financial assistance for qualified families and their children attending PSM.
Excursions & In-School Presentations
A release form will go home at the beginning of the calendar-school-year outlining any excursions scheduled throughout the year. Specific information about in-school presentations or excursions will be given to parents at least 5 days in advance. Parents have the option of keeping their child out of school on that particular day if they prefer not to have their child participate in these activities. Due to our world-wide short-staffing issues, excursions for school-year 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 have been cancelled.
Family Involvement
We believe that the best support for a child as he/she grows is a strong partnership between families and the school. We also look forward to families sharing their knowledge, experiences, talents and skills. We invite parents to share a skill or teach a lesson at circle time. The staff and Principal will decide if the lesson that the parent has proposed will be appropriate for the children.
PSM requires that parents of our enrolled children complete six (6) hours per family of volunteer work hours per school-calendar-year. These volunteer hours include activities such as assistance with program scholarship fundraising, assisting and supervising excursions, etc. Additional information will be given on these parent volunteer hours throughout the school-calendar-year. Parents have the option to choose which particular volunteer activity they wish.
Health Agreements/Emergency Policies & Administering Rx
We will administer medication to your child providing: 1) you have completed and signed the medication permission form, 2) the medication has been prescribed by your child’s physician and 3) the medication is in its original container, and includes the proper dispensing tool. NO over-the-counter medications will be administered without a doctor’s prescription. We are not allowed to administer cough or cold medication.
We will call you to pick up your child if your child has a fever over 100F, diarrhea, vomiting, has an unknown rash, unusual discharge from the nose, ears or eyes, a persistent cough or any other health conditions that may be a concern.
A written clearance from your child’s physician is required before returning to school for chicken pox, measles, mumps, hepatitis, flu, ringworm, pink eye (conjunctivitis), hand, foot and mouth disease, strep throat, whooping cough, pinworms, impetigo, and/or suspected symptoms related to C19.
If your child has a medical or religious exemption for immunizations, we will ask you to keep your child home for your child’s protection if there is a possibility the disease is present in our school.
These policies protect all individuals especially PSM children/staff in our care. Please contact the school right away if your child is exposed to any of the above-mentioned medical issues. We ask that you keep your child home from school and obtain a release note from your child’s physician before bringing your child back to school.
Note: If your child had an ear infection and has recovered, you may return to school as long as your child did not experience any fever-like symptoms for 24 hours without fever reducing medicine.
The State of Hawaii Department of Health Immunization Branch has a procedure existing in the Maui community for the provision of health consultation service; Arrangements have been made with public nurse, Marisol Abod for use of this service. She may be reached at 808-984-8260 or 1-800-933-4832. (Updated 9/3/24.)
Ukus (head lice) and Pinworms
If your child is found to have live ukus or nits (eggs) or suspected pinworms, we will call you to pick up your child right away and provide you with information on treatment. Your child may return to school after treatment is completed and after PSM receives written clearance from your child’s medical expert.
Our staff persons are trained in first-responder First Aid and Infant-Child-Adult CPR only. For any serious or life-threatening medical emergency, we will first call 911 and then make every effort to contact you. Your child may be transported to Maui Memorial Medical Hospital by ambulance if necessary. A staff person will accompany your child if our staffing ratios permit. Parents will receive a written report for accidents/injuries requiring first aid. Parents will be contacted if we feel the situation is serious and requires your immediate attention.
We are obligated by law to report any concerns we observe involving abuse and neglect to Child Protective Service. We do not allow alcohol or drugs on our campus; Smoking in and around the building is banned by law.
We will have one fire drill per month. If you are on campus during a drill, you are required to participate. This also encourages your child to follow the rules for safety and teaches your child that parents are also are aware of the protocols during an emergency. If we are required to evacuate the facility during school hours and time is available, we will call parents to pick up children if safety is not compromised. If children must be moved quickly we will leave information on our entry door to tell you where we are, how to contact us and who is with us. We will make every effort to contact you by phone when we are in a safe location. Please be sure that we have accurate and current phone contact information.
School Closure Notification
In the event the school must close unexpectedly during operating hours or we cannot open due to dangerous conditions or any other reason, we will make every effort to contact families. Please make sure your phone contact information is always up-to-date. PSM will close if an emergency occurs.
Meals & Snacks
We are a 100% peanut and tree nut FREE facility. Any foods that do not meet these health and safety standards will be disposed immediately. Thank you for honoring these food requirements as some of our students face severe life-threatening allergens. Please inform the school in writing if your child has any food allergies. Please provide alternative meals and snacks.
PSM provides a healthy, (organic, when available), toddler-friendly breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack; Cost for toddler-chef service by PSM is included with tuition. PSM offers purified filtered drinking water throughout your child’s school-day.
What To Bring For Your Toddler
Toddlers: We love one-sies! (The snaps are great for efficient diaper changes.) Please bring supplies enough for at least one week. Supplies needed are 1) diapers, 2) wipes and 3) play outfits (including underwear, if not in diapers) 4) a small backpack your child can manage on her/his own and 5) one pair of play shoes (or slippers) to be kept in your child’s basket cubbie.
Please label with a dark marker pen (or personalized stickers) all of your child’s belongings with their three letter initials.
Human Milk Storage
PSM follows CDC’s guidelines to storing human milk.
All milk (with the exception of frozen packets) will be sent home daily and all milk, including frozen milk packets will be sent home on Fridays. Please label each bottle/packet with your child’s three letter initials and date.
What Stays At Home
Items that need to be kept at home for example are your child’s own personal toys, money, candy/gum, soda, sweets, cough drops, over-the-counter medications and vitamins (potentially harmful to children who may think they are candy).
A favorite rattle, blanket and/or pacifier for your child’s comfort is welcomed.
What To Wear To School
Toddlers: Loose-fitting and comfortable clothes that they can easily take off or put on by themselves with encouragement is recommended. Slippers (flip-flops) that can be put on quickly if leaving the premises due to emergencies and fire drills is necessary. (High-heeled shoes, sandals and cowboy-type boots stay at home.) Please do not send your child to school in shoes that they cannot (somewhat) manipulate independently.
Plastic-Free Facility ♻️
As much as possible, PSM is a plastic free facility. Please bring a small laundry bag for us to send home your child’s soiled clothing. Intermittently, reusable grocery bags, paper-bags and/or compostable bags will be used to send your child’s belongings home. Please return any reusable bags to the preschool center the next day. Paper-bags and compostable bags do not need to be returned if you are able to find another use/job for them.
Parent-Principal Conferences
Parent-Principal conferences are offered twice a year. These allow the staff to provide you with feedback involving your child’s experiences and developmental growth in the center. These conferences are not mandatory.
If we observe that your child would benefit from formal screening and/or an assessment through programs that provide behavioral, physical or speech therapy we may suggest seeking expert support in those specific areas. This would also assist us in meeting your child’s individual needs. In some circumstances, services are free or provided on a sliding scale basis. Please refer to the Principal for additional resources.
If you'd like to speak with us, the very best way to reach out to us is via email: [email protected]
You can email us with a question, an appointment request, or request for a phone call if you wish to speak to us directly.
Please refrain from bringing up questions during drop-off/pick-up. This is a difficult time for us to give you the appropriate attention to resolve issues and/or answer questions. We appreciate your concerns and inquiries for clarity about any matter. Please allow a 24-hour-response-time for us to get back to you via email. Clear communication is of high value to us. Kindly use email as your first step to a create a clear communication loop.
We love celebrating our little ones on their big day. You may bring in a sticker, a small sustainable item/toy or a goodie bags to share with all.
We are inspired by the pedagogy of Dr. Piaget (a postmodern thinker and leading authority in Child Psychology) and strongly agree with his methods and practices of cognitive developmental stages. We emphasize freedom within limits and practice independence. Dr. Piaget recognized that children have specific windows of opportunity (stages) in which they develop more naturally. Our PSM staff recognizes this educational value and utilizes these experiences as children explore their curiosity and natural discoveries.
PSM is also mindful of our environment by practicing sustainable acts; Giving back to our local community is also highly valued. We encourage our children and their families to develop good stewardship and respect at an early age.
The center is divided into four main areas:
1) ATRIUM (indoor playground/large motor),
2) ART/LUNCH ROOM (creative artistic expressions)
3) COURTYARD (outdoor play) &
4) CALM ROOM (rest).
Dr. Piaget believed in mixed aged spaces providing the opportunity for children to learn from one other. The younger children look up to their older peers; The older peers practice concept reinforcement as they are given opportunities to teach their younger peers. Research has shown that the finest way to educate during this early stage in development is through observation and then through facilitation.
We recognize that each child matures and learns in her/his own way and at her/his own time. Although children will bring home materials they have created, the most important part of her/his discovery is THE PROCESS and less emphasis on THE PRODUCT. We want children highly intrigued so that she/he desires further inquiry leading to discovering more independently. As often as possible, at PSM a staff person may not complete tasks in every instance the child might verbally or gesturally ask. We may simply reply by saying “You try, you can do it.” When children attempt to complete tasks on their own, soon they will learn the skill(s) they are practicing; When a young child experiences the joy of independence, they build a strong and lasting sense of self. The role of PSM is to create opportunities for these discovery experiences.
Holiday Policy
PSM is a non-denominational school. Therefore, we do not celebrate religious holidays nor do we facilitate spiritual or religious education.
We observe and are closed on all Hawai’i state and national holidays, along with the same seasonal break schedule and teacher work days as outlined in the official Hawai’i DOE school schedule. Here are some of the days our program will be closed:
Labor Day
Statehood Day
Election Day
Veteran’s Day
Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Presidents’ Days
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Prince Kuhio Day
King Kamehameha Day
Juneteenth Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
New Year’s Day
Institute Day
4th of July
Teacher Work Days:
4/21/25 to 4/22/25
7/28/25 to 9/1/25
Seasonal Breaks:
Spring/*Summer/Fall/Winter Break
(Breaks are approximately 2-3 weeks)
*Summer Break 2025 is: 6/16/25-7/4/25
*Summer Break 2026 is: 5/29/26-6/22/26
Bereavement Leave*
In an unexpected, difficult and sorrowful occasion an immediate family member (parent, sibling, spouse or child) of the Principal passes away, PSM will close for up to 10 school calendar days; Immediate notice shall be provided. Updated: 10/1/23*
Policy for Media Exposure
A consent form will be included in the enrollment packet that allows your child to be included in photos, videos, and/or web media for PSM. You are not required to sign this release form. PSM certainly respects your privacy in the event you wish not to be included.
Fed I.D. and State I.D.
These are the identification numbers for the program to use for tax purposes. Please keep your monthly receipts to verify your child’s enrollment in our preschool. In accordance with our confidentiality agreements, we will not release any financial information to outside parties. Please inform your tax return preparers that parents must personally request a release of information for tax and legal purposes.
(Routines are flexible and are based on the needs and interests of each child/group.)
7:45-7:59- Arrivals
8:00-8:29- Independent Reading
8:30-8:59- Circle Time
9:00-9:44- Indoor Recess
9:45-10:44- Rest
10:45-11:14- Diaper Change/Restroom Break
11:15-11:44- Sensory Play
11:45-12:14- Meals by Piaget
12:15-1:14- Free Choice Peer Play
1:15-1:29- Diaper Change/Restroom Break
1:30-1:44- Outdoor Recess
1:45-1:59- Departures
Wednesdays is EARLY DISMISSAL day.
Pick-up is between 12:45-12:59P on Wednesdays.
Separation Anxieties
We understand that most infants & toddlers will experience some separation anxieties in a new environment. In our experience, this could last a few days to a few weeks or months. As Child Development professionals,
we expect and understand that it will take some time for a child to adapt to a new setting. The consistency of our educational strategy is what helps the child transition successfully.
Piaget School of Maui shall assist the student in making a transition from our program to her/his new setting by communicating what to expect at the student’s level of awareness and/or understanding upon graduation and/or transition to a new facility. PSM shall cooperate with families, and/or new providers when information is requested (in writing) to assist in adjusting to a new learning environment.
PSM’s Approach to Misbehavior
PSM enforces positive behavior and recognizes students and actions that promote growth and learning; We encourage respectful behavior. If a child misbehaves by acting out using inappropriate language, harming others or to themselves, in this specific case, PSM would facilitate positive ABA (applied behavioral approaches) and would inform parents via phone call or email immediately. We take in account what is in the child’s best interest, the safety of her/his peers and our school community as top priorities. We will conduct observations and team meetings to support our goal towards rapid resolution.
We do not report incidents/behaviors that are commonly considered developmentally age-appropriate, unless the parent requests (in-writing) for a very particular type of incident/behavior to be documented/recorded and shared with parent confidentially --
while protecting the privacy of their child’s peers and families.
PSM has the right to send a child home for the day if they are disrupting others. PSM will only do so if the safety of the children/staff is questioned and/or compromised.
Due Process and Expulsion
If PSM feels that it is in the best interest of the school, staff, and children that a student be removed from school then PSM has the right to expel a child.
If at any time, parental views and PSM’s philosophies are not compatible, PSM reserves the right to immediately terminate the contract at the sole discretion of the acting Principal/Owner.
If for any reason, parent/s decide to withdraw their child from the program, PSM reserves the right to charge the credit card on file.
The remaining tuition due (up to the full duration of their contract term) shall be charged as noted-above upon notice of withdrawal.
Rules and Policies
PSM does not allow disrespectful behavior. If a child is causing harm to themselves or others, parents will be notified and the Principal will handle the situation on a case-by-case basis. PSM will take the necessary action to resolve issues that may arise.
Safe Sleep & Reporting Requirement Policies
In providing a safe sleep environment for children less than one year of age, EJB EDUCATIONAL SERVICES (dba) Piaget School of Maui (PSM) has created the following policies regarding safe sleep practices for children less than one year of age and reporting requirements:
Sleep Position:
(A) Children are placed on their backs to sleep or in accordance with written instructions on file at PSM from a healthcare physician for alternative sleep positions (and)
(B) A child who falls asleep in a location or equipment other than a crib or playpen, child is moved to a crib or playpen for the balance of the nap.
Sleep Environment:
(C) PSM uses NUNA (Model: SENA) playpen-cribs. These playpen-cribs have not been recalled by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
(D) Soft bedding and all other objects are not placed in playpen-cribs, as previously-mentioned playpen-crib type.
(E) A clean and tightly fitted sheet is used to cover the playpen-cribs for children less than one year.
(F) Sleeping areas are kept ventilated and at safe temperatures.
(G) Bed-sharing is strictly prohibited.
(H) PSM does not use recall items for children whatsoever and with no exceptions.
(I) Sleeping children are monitored and checked every ten (10) minutes or less.
(J) All staff of PSM shall review this written (and on-line viewing option) operation policy regarding safe sleep.
(K) All staff of PSM shall complete training in safe sleep practices that is approved by the DHS (Department of Human Services) upon hire and annually.
(L) PSM maintains a record of policy reviews and trainings by all staff.
Program Materials and Equipment:
(M) Materials and equipment are safe and kept clean and in good repair; Materials/equipment are not recalled, are stored in an orderly manner. Materials/equipment are arranged to allow children to select, remove and replace materials/equipment either independently or with assistance as age and developmentally appropriate.
Safe Sleep and Reporting Requirement Policy:
In providing a safe sleep environment for children one year and older, PSM has created the following policy regarding safe sleep practices for children one year and older and reporting requirements:
Sleeping Environment:
PSM makes the following sleeping equipment available:
(1) Identification of playpen, crib, mat or rug for each child who rests, (and)
(2) A clean sheet or cover shall be used on the specific playpen, crib, mat or rug for each child, specifically assigned to each individual child.
PSM will report to the DHS within 24 hours of occurrence the death of a child, staff and/or any illness or injury received at PSM that results in a child’s hospitalization, including emergency room admittance.
If you have any concerns/questions regarding our program or this handbook, please see the Principal right away so we may respond in a timely manner.
Updated: August 27, 2024
Piaget School of Maui’s
Program Handbook
is subject to updates/changes anytime.
Please review often.